Air Touch Ombre with green

Air Touch Ombre with green 

  • Air touch ombre with deep light right (oil bleach)
  • Base colour is Bright green 
  • green last for 1 to 3 month, depending of how often wash your hair 
  • A line bob with over section Layer

What is Air Touch??

The most natural ombre yet latest technic in Japan

There's no line between top and bottom 


what is the Oil bleach? 

Oil bleach is our original blend 

It is mix with Organic Oil 

we use organic oil to your Roots and Hair for maximum protection 

one bleach our salon use a lots of organic oil 

For bookings, kindly drop us a PM on our Facebook Page or 
call us up: 03-7960 0140

C-25-01, Ground Floor, Block C,
32 Square, Jalan 19/1,
46300 Petaling Jaya.

#AirWavePerm #DaisukeSalon



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